Reena and Mary Centre have partnered to produce an informative guide that makes it easier and faster to access health and senior services across Ontario.

Aging with a Developmental Disability: Planning for Success

…is designed for persons with developmental disabilities (DD), their caregivers, families, communities and long-term care service providers.

The guide will be available both in hard copy and online. The version coming to this website will be an accessible, electronic format. It will provide tools, checklists, case studies and other resources to help users navigate services and plan effectively for healthy aging and crisis prevention. Videos and links are also included.

Certain sections may be available in audio format or in French. These will be clearly identified; for example, “Click to read in French.”

Check back, the guide will be ready soon. There will be chapters of special interest to download content and print specific tip sheets, forms, templates and tools.

Caregiver priorities and benefits: Caregiver Survey (2018)
“Every waking moment caring for and living with this person is a blessing.”
“Seeing them grow in all aspects of their lives in a safe environment.”
“A priority for me is accessing local community living programs and getting information and programs that best suit my daughter and where to go for answers if issues are not manageable.”
Reena as content partner agency logo
Mary Centre building a good life as content partner agency logo
young man casual portrait
TIPS for service providers

Your suggestions and feedback are welcome.

Contact us. We are happy to help or provide more information.